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I am a contemporary mixed-media artist who works in my studio in Santa Cruz, California. I am interested in printmaking, painting, photographs, and encaustic and often combine these mediums. My work is a collage of a variety of materials: monotypes, monoprints, photos, drawings and transfers are collaged onto paper or panel and then paint or encaustic may be added. My work has been included in many regional and national juried exhibits and can be seen by appointment at my studio. I also have work showing at Gallery 125 in Santa Cruz and the Encaustic Art Institute in Santa Fe New Mexico.
A former graphic designer, I took up printmaking and painting in 1987. I studied painting at the San Francisco Art Institute from 1995 to 1997 and printmaking through many workshops both locally and abroad. I am a juried member of the California Society of Printmakers, I am also a member of the Encaustic Art Institute.
I live with my husband Rick and two cats. My other interests include golf, kayaking, reading, cooking hiking and my family. I am a 5th generation Californian.
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